Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
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30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
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44) XML Tutorial
Java Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics
2) Ant
3) Apache Common
4) Class Definition
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22) Language
23) Log
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33) Swing
34) Swing Event
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36) SWT 2D Graphics
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38) Web Services SOA
39) XML
1) #define the properties for the SocketHandler
2) A file handler that appends
3) A full list of levels
4) Add Multiple Handlers to a logger
5) Alternate XML by using FileHandler
6) Comparing Log Levels
7) Config properties
8) Configuring Logger Default Values with a Properties File
9) Create a memory handler with a memory of 100 records and dumps the records into the file my log
10) Create custom formatter
11) Creating a Custom Formatter for a Logger Handler
12) Creating a Custom Log Level
13) Custom filter
14) Define your own Custom Formatter
15) Determining If a Message Will Be Logged
16) Determining When the Logging Configuration Properties are Reread
17) Flush File Handler and Logger
18) Getting the Log Level of a Logger
19) Guaranteeing proper class and method names
20) write custom handler
21) Information Logging
22) Limiting the Size of a Log by Using a Rotating Sequence of Files
23) Limiting the Size of a Log File
24) Log finest, finer, config, warning ans severe
25) Log HTML formatter
26) Log to a file
27) Logger with XMLFormatter and FileHandler
28) Logging a Method Call
29) Logging an Exception
30) Memory Handler Demo
31) Preventing a Logger from Forwarding Log Records to Its Parent
32) Remote ConfigReader with URLConnection
33) Set log Formatter
34) Setting a Filter on a Logger Handler
35) Setting the Formatter of a Logger Handler
36) Setting the Log Level of a Logger
37) Simple filter
38) Socket Handler Demo
39) Stream Handler
40) The ConsoleHandler writes log messages to System err
41) The ErrorManager
42) The FileHandler class supports filename patterns
43) The FileHandler is able to write to a single file, or write to a rotating set of files as each file reaches a specified maximum size.t
44) The MemoryHandler is a circular buffer in memory
45) The Patterns in FileHandler
46) The SocketHandler writes log messages to the network over a specified TCP port
47) The StreamHandler serves chiefly as a base class for all handlers that write log messages to some OutputStream
48) Use ConsoleHandler
49) Use different logging level
50) Use Logger with simple formatter and FileHander
51) Using FileHandler to log a message
52) Using Regular Expressions based on StreamHandler
53) Window Handler
54) Writing Log Records Only After a Condition Occurs
55) Writing Log Records to a Log File
56) Writing Log Records to Standard Error
57) XMLFormatter based Logging